
Google Street View in Portugal

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Google has just launched Street View for the two biggest cities in Portugal, Lisbon and Oporto. And of course, the hunt for images with awkward situations has just began (image taken from Parque Eduardo VII in Lisbon):

Via A Source Of Inspiration.

Cristal Control

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CRISTAL (Control of Remotely Interfaced Systems using Touch-based Actions in Living spaces) is a ubber simple user interface for controlling multimedia devices and home automation systems. It's a interactive table, much like Microsoft's Surface, with a huge difference: a camera placed on the top of the living room creates an image which is the interface itself. Confused? Watch the demo and wait for Christmas:

RSS readers should click here to watch the video.

Ignite Portugal

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My friend Miguel Muñoz Duarte and his company, iMatch, will bring Ignite to Portugal. But what is Ignite? Ignite captures the best of geek culture in a series of five-minute speed presentations on topics ranging from The Best Way to Buy a Car to Hacking Chocolate. Each speaker gets only 5 minutes, with 20 slides that auto-forwards every 15 seconds. The motto is "Enlighten us, but make it quick".

If you are interested, you can be the next speaker. Visit the Ignite Portugal website and follow the instructions. Still with doubts? Maybe the next Ignite presentation will convince you:

RSS readers should click here to see the video.

What the f**k is social media, one year later

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An update on the already famous Marta Kagan's presentation on Social Media (or like Armando calls it, Social Web). Full with pearls of wisdom, a must read.

Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported

Microsoft can't sell Word anymore

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Yes, really, due to patent infringement. The judge also ordered Microsoft to pay i4i more than $290 million in damages. Maybe now Microsoft will start hating software patents.