Internet will surpass TV in June 2010
1 minute read
It's not me, but Microsoft itself who's saying it on his "Europe Logs On" study, released yesterday. In 18 months, people will spend more time browsing the web than watching TV. Other key findings of the study are:
- Europeans spent on average 1.5 days a month on the Internet in 2008, and by 2010 will spend 2.5, which represents a 66% growth
- Internet use on PCs will drop from 95% today to only 50% over the next 5 years due to increase usage of IPTV, games consoles and mobile phones accessing the web
- Online video is the most popular online entertainment application
- Content and communications services represents 65% of all time spent online, and commerce represents 33%
- Being one of the European countries with lower penetration, Portugal has today more than 4 million people using the Internet</ul>
This and much more is available in the study.