
Did you know 2.0

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The sequel from the original presentation, with new and updated statistics, provoking questions and a fresh design. Food for thoughts, a must see to every one who have concerns about the future:

RSS readers should click here to watch the film.

Google advertising in video

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A great snoop from 45n5, a video with Google advertising in YouTube movies. The system is pretty smooth, the ads are not that intrusive, and the interactivity allowed amazing (be able to link an ad to a movie, and make that movie run over the YouTube movie is great):

Meanwhile, eMarketer expects online video advertising to nearly double in 2008 to $1.3 billion USD, and TechCrunch posted an excelent article, with a round up of the possible players in this market, worth reading.

Great times are expected in a near future.

The future of the web, circa 1994

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What people in 1994 thought the future of the web would look like:

RSS readers should click here to watch the movie.

Going out for some days

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Well, it's that time of the year were I go out, stay offline for a week and recharge the batteries. The next days I will be scuba-diving in the red sea, worrying with nothing than the meals schedules, the water temperature and colorful fish species identification.

Or maybe not...

Hans Rosling is back

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After last year's amazing presentation of Gapminder, Hans Rosling has come back to another jaw-dropping presentation at TED. See it for yourself in the following video (19m09s) or at the TED website. And remember, what is seemly impossible is possible.

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