
Explain Bitcoin like I’m 10

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12 minutes read

#bitcoin #eli5

How can I buy Bitcoin?
Generate a password, and then pay someone to send bitcoins to that password.

A password?! That's it?
Yep, that's it.


Analysis of Bitcoin Cash double spends

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1 minute read


Bitcoin Cash double spends

Double spend is when a set of coins is spent in more than one transaction. This can happen for various reasons, but one of the reasons is fraud attempts.

Bitcoin Cash accepts 0-conf payments, which I consider insecure by default. But I would like to have some data to support this, so I went looking.


Nintendo Switch, meet cardboard

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What a clever idea. The possibilites are endless. Well played Nintendo.

Buy men's underwear and help an athlete

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Today I'm proud to announce, the place where you help an athlete every time you buy men's underwear. The idea was presented to me by Hugo. I loved it, and so I decided to help him by developing the website.


License to steal

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Every now and then people ask me for iOS versions of my mobile apps.

I don't build them, due to the following text in the Apple Developer Agreement: