
Where to surf today

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2 minutes read

#wtst #meteor

The problem:

Imagine you are in Portugal, you want to go surfing, but you don't know where the best waves are.

What do you do?


Best ELI5 Blockchain video

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1 minute read

#bitcoin #eli5

I'm following the Blockchain revolution for quite some time now. I even took a Princeton online course in the Spring of 2015, which I highly recommend, if you want to understand how it works at a technical level.


Changing gears

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7 minutes read

Almost 10 years ago, me and some friends created excentric, a digital marketing agency. It was a big adventure, with ups and downs, with some huge successes and some defeats. We were able to put together an amazing team of really talented people, who sticked together on the bad moments and were capable of partying like animals when the situation deserve it. Thank you guys, you are the best.


3D painting

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While I still think VR has a long way to go, this new product from Google, Tilt Brush, got me thinking. As they state in their website, Tilt Brush lets you paint in 3D space with virtual reality. Your room is your canvas. Your palette is your imagination. The possibilities are endless..

Hard to imagine it? Don't worry, there's a video:

Is it a bird?

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1 minute read

Is it a plane? No, is Alexandru Duru, a Montrealer, flying 250 meters in a hoverboard, thus breaking the Guiness World Record for farthest flight in a hoverboard by fivefold. Could this be the future of personal traveling? Watch the video: