
Exploring happiness

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The Black Swam by Nassim Taleb, and Darwinian Politics by Paul Rubin, were two books that changed my view of the world and humanity (for better, I think).

Today I found an amazing Ted Talk, by Dan Gilbert, titled "Exploring the frontier of happiness", which gave me a lot of helpful insights (and it toke me only 33 minutes). Dan speaks about our inability to estimate odds and value, and how than has an impact on our daily life. A must see:

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Wordpress 2.7 Coltrane

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The new Wordpress 2.7 admin GUI is just awsome:

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To all visionaries

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To all visionaries out there who have people laughing and mocking about their ideas and visions: resilience is your best weapon. Someday, somewhere, someone will give you the deserved credit.

For more than 2 years, Peter Schiff is making unbelievable accurate predictions (and warnings) about the financial crisis, and being mocked by other "experts". Guess what, Peter Shiff was right. The following video is a compilation of Peter's appearance in different TV shows. Watch Peter's accuracy and the arrogance of every other person:

RSS readers should click here to watch the video.

The Cloud Player

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The year is yet to begin, and the app to watch for in 2009 has just popped out: The Cloud Player, a "iTunes in the cloud" with friends sharing music. It's a all new ball game for the music industry, a brand new way of listening to music. Don't you love these spikes of evolution? Did I mention it's open source?

Kinetic Typography with your content

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Vodafone Portugal recently launched a Christmas card which, I believe, must be the first ever kinetic typography video with some user generated content. The card is in portuguese only.

The following video of a Vodafone Christmas card was captured with ScreenToaster, a online service that allows you to capture your screen. I'm still evaluating it, as this was my first usage of the service, and first conclusion is: it should capture the sound.

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