
I'm a father

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Afonso has born yesterday, at 21h37 GMT, with 3.690 gr. He has an excellent health, and everything is well with the mother. The next days will be dedicated to him.

The font conference

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A little humor from typefaces, the font conference (via College Humor):

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The next Apple product?

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It's a rumor, so treat it like that, a rumor. MacDailyNews reports the next Apple cutting edge product will be what someone called the MacBook Touch:

Think MacBook screen, possibly a bit smaller, in glass with iPhone-like, but fuller-featured Multi-Touch. Gesture library. Full Mac OS X. This is why they bought P.A. Semi. Possibly with Immersion's haptic tech. Slot-loading SuperDrive. Accelerometer. GPS. Pretty expensive to produce initially, but sold at "low" price that will reduce margins. Apple wants to move these babies. And move they will. This is some sick shit. App Store-compatible, able to run Mac apps, too. By October at the latest.

I was wondering what would be Apple's 2008 breakthrough product. Guess I found it. I recall to see some photos of this, but I lost them, do someone knows where to find some mockups of the possible MacBook Touch?

Is this the future of search?

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It seems Google is doing some experiments with theirs main product, the web search. Imagine adding Digg's functionalities to Google's web search results and voila, you get what can be seen as the future of web search:

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Excentric's day off

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Last Friday was Excentric's second birthday, and we all went for a boat trip. With a lot of fun (and alcohol), it was a great day, as shown in the following video (made by Jorge Teixeira, our creative director):

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