
Fire Meg

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Isn't capitalism, democracy and freedom of speech great? A eBay user (and minor stockholder), unhappy with the performance of the company, has issued an online petition for the removal of Meg Whitman as eBay CEO.

The 3 main reasons for this petition are:

  • the lack of focus: eBay is more concerned in merging technologies (like Skype) than to bet on evolving the online auction sector;
  • eBay and Paypal refuse to address fraud issues and the concerns of the user base;
  • the existence of several technical issues that result in slow and erroneous searches, portions of the site not functioning properly, etc.

Is this a good idea? Will it result in anything? I sincerely don't know, but I like it, is a form of active citizenship, and we all should be active citizens. After all, that's why we live in a democracy, right?

Ho, Ho, Hobo

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Just watched the screencasts from the Hobo website, and must say I'm pretty amazed. So, what is Hobo?

Hobo is an Open Source extension to Ruby on Rails which helps you build full blown web applications incredibly quickly and easily. Available as a Gem or Rails plugin, Hobo provides a simple, clean and elegant development framework which allows for rapid prototyping or production of the most sophisticated web applications.

Watch the screencasts and try to keep your drooling levels low.

Superbot, the amazing robot

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The SuperBot is one of the most highly adaptive robots I have seen to date. Most robots can tackle only one task at a time, that for which they were specialized. The SuperBot, on the other hand, is made up entirely of individual robots that can run by themselves or be put together to communicate with each other and move in creative ways. The robot was created by USC’s Information Sciences Institute.

I have compiled all of the available videos of this robot for your viewing pleasure:


Google master plan

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When everyone is talking about the new Google AdWords TV ads trial, Ozan Halici and Jurgen Mayer from the University of Applied Sciences Ulm, Germany, released the movie "Master Plan, about the power of Google".

Even though I don't agree with everything stated in the movie, it is a very well done movie, so I decided to post it in my blog. The graphics are astonishing, take a look:

RSS readers should click here to watch the movie.

Microsoft did not steal ideas from Mac OS X

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For the New York Times, David Pogue reviews Windows Vista, trying to prove in his video that "Microsoft did not steal ideas from Mac OS X".

RSS readers should click here to watch the movie.