
Chevy Tahoe: The Apprentice

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1 minute read

GM made a great campaign for it new SUV, the Tahoe. With a great user interface, you can build your own ad for the SUV, and with it participate in the contest.

The thing is, people are concerned with global warming and excessive oil usage, as you can watch on this comercials:

For how long will this be available on the site? How long does it take GM to apply censorship? Let us wait and see.

Comercials seen on Nina Paley's website.

April fools day

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1 minute read

Wikipedia is running a special page for April fools day. Read it often, since it is being updated as the day goes along.

The history of Microsoft

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1 minute read

A brief story of everyone's favorite company: Microsoft. A great video, 9m15s of pure joy.

Spreadsheets reborn

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1 minute read

Dabble promises to be a friendly and powerful way to share, manage and explore your information over the web. Watch the demo in video (7 minutes) and start drooling (via maik)


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1 minute read

DRM is a load of CRAP, ZDNet dixit.