
George W. Bush sings U2

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In an amazing audio copy & paste exercise, rx creates new versions of well known musics, all "singed" by George W. Bush. His website is here and my favorite music is "Sunday Bloody Sunday" from U2. What's yours?

Nuno Markl

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I was exploring this post from lifehacker titled "Subscribe to free, videos in iTunes", and, while on that, decided to go to the podcast directory from iTunes. For my surprise (and pride), "Ha vida em Markl" was in the top of the list, which is amazing for a portuguese podcast, even if it is from Nuno Markl. Thumbs up Nuno.

DVD 2 H.264

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Some of my friends had forked some months ago, and their descendants seems to really like DVDs. The problems is, besides loving to watch them, the kids really love to bite the discs, so, all the Noody and Nemo DVDs are getting quite disgusting. To fight this, my friends decided to think on a how to rip DVDs and store it in H.264 format.

Simple? Well, it looks like, the thing is, in total, we are talking of more than 1.000 DVDs, which can take a loooong time. So, they started to think on a distributed system that could offload the work to a network of computers attached to the Internet, each one contributing with spare cpu cycles, to do the job, which is pretty cool.

Meanwhile, I've found this application (Mac OS X and Be OS only) that can rip a DVD (even if encrypted) and store it in mp4 or h.264. It's called HandBrake, and his telling me that "Bowling for Columbine" will take 6h30m (!) to be completed. Come on boys, we definitly need that distributed network!

Prince of Persia

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1 minute read

Following the game webification path, found Prince of Persia in flash.

Things you can do with gmail

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1 minute read

You can use Gmail to do a lot of other things besides reading (and storing) your mail. You can use it to:

  • manage a todo list;
  • find information on RSS feeds;
  • find torrents;
  • use it as a notepad;
  • filter spam;
  • storage a photo gallery.

Learn here how to do all that.