Apple results

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Last night Apple released his Q1 2007 financial results. The numbers are huge (7 billion USD in revenue, 1 billion of net profit), and are a company record.

Please bare in mind the fiscal year is different from the regular year: Q1 2007 is the time period between the 1st of October and the 31th of December 2006, so it includes Christmas 2006. In this quarter, Apple sold more than 21 million iPods, and more than 1.6 million Macs.

Since I'm now an Apple shareholder, I have a particular interest in the company evolution, so I decided to get some data and build some graphics. The idea is to identify trends in growth, which could help me in my stock strategy. Bottom line, Apple is a very good bet in the long term, very volatile in the short term (or day trading) due to the hype surrounding it.

Here are the 10 graphics I have to share:

Revenue Net profit Mac sales iPod sales
Evolution here here here here
Quarterly here here here here
With product line - - here here

The quarters are for fiscal year: Q1 2007 is October to December 2006.
Click in any graphic to see it larger.

Source: Apple Investor Relations and

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