
Adapting websites to users

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What if a website knew your way of thinking and adapt accordingly? Do you prefer clean facts on a clean page, or a lot of charts and graphics? Forget user profiles, stored cookies, or long questionnaires, this new system will work by watching the first clicks you do, and adapting the next pages to your style of thinking. Interested? Read the paper.

Via Technology Review

Bending wire

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Everyone knows some animals are capable of using tools to accomplish certain tasks, but what I didn't know is that some animals are able to build their own tools to get what they want. The following video is mind blowing:

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Sit straight

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If you spend long periods in front of a computer (like me), you should have a correct body position in order to prevent injuries. This site shows you how to sit straight when using a computer.

And remember the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes take a 20 seconds break to look 20 feet away.

Webby awards 2008

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The Webby Awards winners list of honorees, winners and nominees for this year is out! What a huge source of inspiration.


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1 minute read

Sticky notes of 21st Century:

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