
All your iPhones are belong to us

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Following our discussion, iPhone Dev Team gave a step further in a totally open iPhone platform. Watch the following video till the end, there is always one last thing:

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Subscribe by email

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Since a lot of people prefer email as the method for content syndication, is now possible to subscribe to this blog by email. Just follow the previous link or visit the blog and use the form in the sidebar. The service is offered by Feedburner.

A tale about security

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Once open a time, a company which had a lot of people using his digital media player, pushed people to use his browser through an 'almost automatic' software update. People complained about this behaviour, others defend it, and there was what someone called a nano-scandal, and a lot of people installed the new browser.

And then there were the bad guys (cause a tale has always bad guys), who found a way to break into someone's computer through a bug in the referenced browser. So, the company was/his installing a lock into a lot of personal computers, and someone has just found the master key.

Bad timing? Bad luck? Or karma?

Is it a dog? a horse? no, it's a robot

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I'm pretty amazed with the following video. It's a robot developed by Boston Dynamics, with DARPA sponsorship (yep, the same organization who financed the development of the Internet). Watch it and pay special attention to the robot's reaction around 0:35 of the video.

RSS readers should click here to watch the video.

Safari 3.1 Gmail problem

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If you upgraded your Safari to the new 3.1 version, use Gmail, and now your Shift or Tab keys are making your cursor jumping back to the To: field, here is the solution: change your default language to English (US); click on "Newer version" on the top right of the screen - only English (US) version has this option enabled; you are done, Gmail should be working perfectly now.

I guess people at Cupertino doesn't use Gmail...

Update: the same problem happens with Gmail for Google Apps, and I don't know how to solve it. Need a hand.