
A peek into the future

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A very nice article stating the top 10 technologies that will change your life, from Live Science.


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If what Reuters is reporting is true (still waiting for confirmation), Toshiba has thrown the towel on the HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray war. I guess last Friday's Wal-Mart decision to abandon the format and stick to Blu-Ray, was HD-DVD's last nail in the coffin.

Better this way, this war was only stalling the development of the next generation DVDs, and creating a lot of confusion on customers head.

iPhone unlock in 3 minutes

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Finally, on the 8th of February, George Hotz (please donate) cracked the protection scheme used in the iPhone. In a matter of hours, a lot if scripts and applications arose in order to facilitate the job to the average joe.

Yesterday, a new tool hit the radar, and is now possible to unlock, jailbreak and activate iPhones 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 OTB in less than 3 minutes. So, if you are one in the million that have a locked iPhone, grab the ZiPhoneGUI tool (available only for windows) and happy cracking.

Dr. J. Craig Venter

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Yesterday I was zapping through my TV and stopped when I saw a lecture in BBC World about DNA sequencing. The speaker, unknown to me at that time, had a unbelievable message to say: he's about to create the first artificial life form in the planet Earth.

Gene pioneer Dr. J. Craig Venter is one of the principal scientists who decoded the human genome and he was the invited speaker for this year Richard Dimbleby Lecture. if you have 43 minutes to spare, watch the video and try to answer the following question: what does the future hold in a DNA-driven world?

Update Jan 22: Excellent comment by Nuno Mendes.

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Macworld 2008 keynote in 60 seconds

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Due to a heavy lack of time, I was not able to watch this year Macworld keynote. But that’s ok, since Mahalo has done a great job trimming the 90 minutes Steve Jobs’ keynote to a 60 second video.