
And the winner is...

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Nopes, it's not about Hollywood oscars (elected by some guys nobody cares) but about the free initiative named Oscar torrents. I really don't know who is behind this, but I really don't care: 133378 voters is a pretty good number for the first edition.

The film which won more oscartorrent was Pan's labyrinth, and the oscartorrent for the best picture was to The departed.

See the list movies and access the torrent files here.

The site disclaimer is also a pearl:

OSCARTORRENTS®, and the OSCAR THE PIRATE® statuette design mark are the unregistered marks of no one in particular. No ©2007. Nothing to do with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences & ABC, Inc. All Rights Reversed. The Official Oscars is a sham produced by villiains in partnership with the cult of celebrity. By accessing this site you're probably comitting a felony somewhere -- but let your own idea of what is right and wrong be your guide.

Enjoy your movies.

Pulp Fiction in Typography

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1 minute read

An excelent usage of typography for a very creative presentation. Text appears as every word is spoken but done in a way to accent and emphasize and highlight. Watch it 3 or 4 times to really enjoy it. The clip contains adult language, you have been warned.

RSS readers should click here to watch the clip.

NIN alternative reality game

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3 minutes read

Nine Inch Nails (abbreviated as NIN) is an American industrial rock band formed in Cleveland, Ohio circa 1988 by Trent Reznor. The debut of the new album, Year Zero, is generating a huge buzz. The album will be released on April 17, 2007 (or should I say April 17, -15 BA?).


Google Apps

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1 minute read

The Google Apps Premier Edition is out, at a bargain price of 50 USD/user account/year. You still can have the free version, now named as Standard Edition. Check what are you buying in the Editions comparison page.

Thoughts on music

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2 minutes read

I decided to abstain myself from commenting Steve Jobs's open letter about DRM, but since it's generating a huge buzz around it, I think it's time for my 2 cents contribution.