Google Apps
1 minute read
The Google Apps Premier Edition is out, at a bargain price of 50 USD/user account/year. You still can have the free version, now named as Standard Edition. Check what are you buying in the Editions comparison page.
1 minute read
The Google Apps Premier Edition is out, at a bargain price of 50 USD/user account/year. You still can have the free version, now named as Standard Edition. Check what are you buying in the Editions comparison page.
2 minutes read
I decided to abstain myself from commenting Steve Jobs's open letter about DRM, but since it's generating a huge buzz around it, I think it's time for my 2 cents contribution.
1 minute read
The documentary about bloggers, "Blogumentary", is finally available to watch online. It includes interviews with Jeff Jarvis, Jason Kottke and more. Watch it below (1h05m24s).
Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported
1 minute read
In Portugal, people is discussing next Sunday's referendum (should or should not be a crime for a woman to abort in the first 10 weeks of gestation).
In Washington, people are discussing if one can marry with another even if they have no plans to procreate. Better, if the law is approved, every one who get married in the state of Washington, have three years to procreate, or get their marriage "unrecognized". In my humble opinion, The Defense Marriage Initiative must be the stupidest law I ever saw. (via Melo)
1 minute read
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