
Graffiti XXI

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LED Throwies, or how will/should be graffiti in the twenty first century.

Daily quickies

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From my RSS feed, things worth notice:

Ruby on Rails Resources

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1 minute read

Due to popular request, I decided to compile a very short list of Ruby on Rails resources:

Matrix vs Dark City

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These guys claim (in spanish) that the Matrix is a copy of Dark City. Well, Dark City is from 1998, and Matrix from 1999, and when you see the evidences it sure looks like plagiarism.

Calendar war is over

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1 minute read

30 boxes debuted 4 days ago, and it rockz! Finally found my calendar service, thank you guys:

  • Add new events through a command line (brilliant);
  • Eficient Ajax powered interface, working in all browsers;
  • Tag enabled events;
  • Shared events, even with people outside 30boxes;
  • Full integration with iCal and Outlook;
  • Javascript/HTML badge to include a snippet of your calendar in other web sites;
  • Will have an API soon.

Ahhhh, and it's free.