
Frei Internet in dam haus

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Deutsche Telekom will roll out a fiber to the curve network, allowing for 50 Mbps connections at home. And if you think that's all, what about a 6 week free trial at 25 Mbps? Maybe now is a good time to learn some german.

More here.

Have a mac mini? Need more disk space?

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Just stack one if this below the mini and you get extra 250 GB of disk capacity. It's beautiful, and so well integrated, that your wife will never notice you spent even more money with your hobbie.

Place your bet

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Everyone is talking about next week (Sept. 7) Apple announcement, but no one really knows what is all about. Please take your chances:

  • iPod video with iTunes Music Store selling video clips;
  • switching iPod Mini to a flash-based technology;
  • flash-based larger-capacity Shuffles;
  • a totally new category of devices;
  • the Motorola iTunes phone;
  • a mobile OS. </ul>


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Could this be the future of the Internet? Well, I thing it is, what about you?

Google Talk

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Everyone is talking about it. Some guys even had the courage to dissect it, like Pedro and Celso did.

I choose the user perspective, so I downloaded the client, install it, and then... well... then nothing: there is no one to talk to, there are no smileys, emoticons or shaking windows, no sex appeal. Ok, I can see my gmail contacts there, but hey, they already have a IM (MSN, Yahoo or ICQ), 90% don't have a gmail account, and they don't understand a nut about Internet, they just use it. Finnaly, the voice quality is worst than others, like Skype and VoIP Buster, so, there is no reason at all for me to change to Google talk.

Guys, in the IM world, people don't care about technicalities. What they really want are those sissie features like a big face showing you the tongue, huge lips or annoying shaking windows. A success IM client must be specified by a marketing department, engineers don't have the skills to do it.

Remember Ericsson phones before the Sony joint venture: they were very good, robust and reliable, but ugly as hell. They were designed by engineers, for engineers. Market share, minimum. Now, add an excelent marketing department, some sissie colors and functionalities, and you get SonyEricsson. Do I need to say anything else?