
Mailing done right

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Via Nuno, CNET’s right way of doing mass mailing: you don’t click our newsletter, we unsubscribe you to avoid clutter in your mailbox. An example to follow… please.

Will "Free" be the next business model?

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Trendwatching report for this month, named "Free Love" points out to ongoing rise of "free stuff", and the new business model of offering valuable stuff in exchange of consumer's attention.


Telephony 2.0

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Ribbit will be the next buzz in the world of telephony. They developed an open platform, named Amphibian, which integrates your mobile phone with a very interesting web application. And since it's a open platform, developers can create new features and widgets on the platform.

Some of the features are:

  • manage your mobile voicemail like email on your computer and on your mobile phone;
  • turn your voicemail into text to make voice messages sharable, searchable, and most importantly actionable;
  • take and make mobile calls from any browser or web page - such as iGoogle, Facebook, and many more;
  • experience Caller ID 2.0 - dip into the social web and know not just who is calling but what the caller has been doing;
  • have scores of web developers working at internet speed building new phone applications for you.

Watch the demo video and start drooling:

RSS readers should click here to watch the video.

Social networks distribution

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The french newspaper Le Monde has posted a world map with the distribution of the different social networks across the different continents. Unfortunately, some countries have no information at all.

Click the image to see a larger version.

Update Feb 27 2008: Pingdom released a report with social networks downtime for 2008.

Why Joost will loose to Miro

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Or how homo digitalis is different from the homo connectus.